Training content

Train your colleagues to recognise cyber risks and work more securely

A complete training platform with carefully developed training content that is engaging, easily understandable and interactive. With our extensive content library of 60 modules, you put together training programmes that perfectly suit your organisation. Every learning moment contributes to a safer and more information-aware working environment.


Attention-grabbing trainings

No long theoretical stories, but full of immediately applicable tips and relevant practical situations. Alternate short "security snacks" with in-depth modules that go deeper into the subject matter. That way, you keep the subject top-of-mind and your colleagues learn what their role is in the field of information security, how they recognise risks and work more safely and consciously, also in private situations.

  • 60 modules on all major topics.
  • Animated training videos, games and knowledge tests.
  • From 3-minute security snacks to 15-minute in-depth modules.
  • Content in 9 languages (English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Czech).
  • Guaranteed 6 new modules per year.
With Awaretrain's training content, your colleagues will learn everything they need to know about information security, cyber security and privacy.

Varied training content

By offering different types of content to your users, you increase engagement. Topics are covered in different ways, allowing you to keep users' attention.

Animated training videos

From short "security snacks" to keep employees alert to in-depth modules on all important topics. Animations make complex material easy to understand. This keeps the content accessible to everyone.

Interactive games

Gamified modules that cover different topics in a playful way. By presenting important topics in a fun and interactive way, you encourage sustainable behavioural change.

Challenging tests & challenges

To test your colleagues' knowledge of the various topics or as a knowledge refresher, there are challenging knowledge tests and challenges. Link a certificate to the knowledge test for an optimal experience.

Appealing posters & visuals

Visuals that perfectly match the various themes. Use them in your digital communication or print them out. This way, you always have reminders of safe behaviour in sight! Also downloadable for free from the website.

Content that is always in motion

Content that is always in motion

The training content in the modules is relevant and up-to-date. All important topics within information security, cyber security and privacy are covered. Our content team is constantly looking for current themes and new approaches to make users more resilient. Of course, we also listen to the input of our customers. We guarantee a minimum of 6 new modules per year.


Explore our ModStore

Effectively train your colleagues in 9 languages

All content is available in 9 languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Czech. Users can easily switch languages. Videos with spoken text are recorded by native speakers. This way, you can also effectively train your international colleagues.

Effectively train your colleagues in 9 languages
Integration in your own LMS

Integration in your own LMS

Does your organisation use its own Learning Management System? Our content is available in SCORM and xAPI. This allows you to integrate our training content into your LMS. Ask us about the conditions.

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