Licences & pricing

Get started with security awareness! Try Awaretrain 28 days for free.

Try the Awaretrain training and phishing platform without any obligations. Get started right away!


Icon for the GDPR and Privacy training license GDPR & Privacy licence

Access to 60+ training modules

Access to (5) GDPR & privacy modules

Phishing simulation tooling

Access to 30+ posters & cartoons

Available in 9 languages

Request your free test account
Most popular
Essentials licence

Access to 60+ training modules

Access to (5) GDPR & privacy modules

Phishing simulation tooling

Access to 30+ posters & cartoons

Available in 9 languages

Request your free test account
Phishing simulator icon Phishing Simulator

Access to 60+ training modules

Access to (5) GDPR & privacy modules

Phishing simulation tooling

Access to 30+ posters & cartoons

Available in 9 languages

Request your free test account

Security awareness in an affordable 1, 2 or 3-year licence

We have combined the essential components for you to make your colleagues information and security aware. Our licences provide access to the self-service Awaretrain platform. Our Customer Success Team is there for you to onboard and support you during the process. 

Need help with your choice? Use our chat. We will be happy to help you!

Not sure what to choose? You can try all functionalities of the Awaretrain platform for free for 28 days

Trusted by our clients