Phishing simulation

Improve your employees' resilience against phishing
with our phishing simulation solutions

Phishing is still the largest digital threat to organisations. Are your employees able to recognise phishing and deal with the threat? Test it on a regular basis with our phishing simulations and make them aware of the risks and resilient against phishing.


Did you know that phishing drives 90% of all succesful cyber security breaches? One moment of inattention is sufficient for an error to occur. Phishing emails can often not be distinguished anymore from legitimate emails an by no means do criminals limit themselves to email alone.


Consequences will often be large. Think of ransomware or data breaches. Not to mention the financial and reputational damage. 

How does phishing simulation work?

Our phishing simulation solution comes as a self-service tooling. 

Self-service phishing

Do you want to be in control? Then our self-service phishing platform is the ideal solution for you. This tool allows you to send unlimited phishing simulations to your employees. Choose from our ready-made templates or get creative and create your own phishing emails. Schedule the simulations and track clickthroughs and results live!

Try our phishing platform for free for 28 days! Would you like more information about using our phishing platform for free or request your free access? Click the button below.

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What can employees expect?

At a time to be determined, employees will receive an email with a secure ‘infected’ link. All our phishing emails contain phishing characteristics. Will they click on it or leave login credentials? If so, you will end up on a landing page with feedback and tips on how phishing can be identified. A phishing simulation therefore also serves as a lesson in awareness.

SMS phishing simulation

Criminals no longer limit themselves to e-mail alone, but also use SMS and various chat services. Raise awareness among your employees by opting for an SMS phishing simulation. Use our standard template or opt for a customised SMS.


Our SMS phishing simulation is only available as a managed service, where we perform the simulation for you.

Try our phishing platform 28 days for free!

Start phishing now